Website Launch Checklist

Use this comprehensive checklist to ensure your agency's website meets all the necessary criteria before launch.



  • Fill out any forms on the page with a test and ensure that they have correct in-line message or redirect and that an autoresponder is delivered
  • Check that error messages work and make sense
  • When testing a form, make sure to check the Form submission and the CRM to check if it's logging correctly
  • Submit the form on multiple devices and OS


  • Proofread all content
  • Review copy for any spelling, content or format errors
  • Check for incorrect punctuation marks, particularly apostrophes, quotation marks and hyphens/dashes
  • Ensure that all spelling and grammar is consistent
  • Check if the website/webpage is skimmable
  • Ensure images are properly labeled and have alt text
  • Verify CTA language is consistent
  • Confirm important buttons are setup as HubSpot CTAs
  • Check Footer for {{ year }}, Company Name and that Privacy Policy is present and linked to the correct page


  • Check that the pages have a strong meta description & page title
  • Optimize page load time
  • Check URLs for keywords
  • Use keywords in title tags
  • Make sure page title includes the name of the company & purpose of the page

Next Steps:

  • Set up Heat Maps and Screen recordings
  • Set up Google Analytics - find the tracking code, confirm with client, and install on the new site
  • Set up Search Console
  • Check Google tags to ensure analytics isn't double firing / registering leads



  • Click through all links in the main navigation
  • Click every link on every page - ensure all external links are opening in a new window
  • Make sure your logo links to the home page
  • Ensure audio and video files work properly
  • Check that the Favicon is loading
  • Run key pages through PingDom and optimize images/videos (less than 2 second load & 4 MBs)
  • Check PageSpeed Insight scores (Mobile 70 / Desktop 80)
  • Ensure the Footer has a link to the homepage
  • Verify social media links open in new tab


  • Test out the site on desktop, laptop, tablet, and mobile
  • Check these breakpoints: ≥1400px, ≥1200px, ≥992px, ≥768px, ≥576px, <576px
  • Test the preview via Browserstack for all major OS & Browsers as well as mobile
  • Check how modules stack on mobile, does it make sense? Is there proper spacing between sections


  • Correct navigation and footer
  • Subscribe to blog form working
  • Listing: Links to topics, Pagination works, Featured images display properly
  • Post: Easy to read, author/date/tags present, every post has an offer, inline links are obvious
  • Post: Related post/next post (if applicable)
  • Comments work (if applicable)


  • Site is keyboard accessible
  • Color contrast follows international guidelines
  • Aria-labels are present for screen readers
  • Semantic tags are being used throughout the site

Next Steps:

  • Test the URL via Content Staging for CWV scores on Google's PageSpeed Insights
  • Ensure Google AMP is off for the blog
  • Check the search results page for blog, confirming layout and links are on brand



  • Logical use of color, no color theory rule-breaking
  • Effective use of whitespace
  • Clear visual hierarchy on key pages
  • Consistent spacing between sections
  • Favicon is loading properly
  • System pages (404, etc.) are on-brand and functional
  • Link color and hover color are appropriate
  • Social share image is present
  • Add before/after into Figma for key pages

This comprehensive checklist will help ensure a smooth and successful website launch for your agency. Let me know if you have any other questions!